Get Involved
Downland Ensemble welcomes new players. The only prerequisite is an ability to read music.
You can join at any time or, if you wish, you may attend a rehearsal and see how we work.

Support us
The orchestra enjoys having a friendly, supportive audience at its open rehearsals and we are grateful for all who spread the word. Perhaps you know some instrumental teachers with pupils who would be interested in playing in the Downland Ensemble. Contact us

Play with us
There are no auditions. All are welcome, whatever age or ability. When new players join they are given a pack of music either to look at in advance or sightread on the day, whichever they prefer. We try to avoid pressure, and focus on the enjoyment of playing good music with like-minded people. Contact us.

Over the last few years, we have received two generous, anonymous donations totalling £3,000 which have enabled us to purchase much needed percussion instruments, music, folders and other essentials. DE is very grateful for this financial support.
If you wish to donate, please contact us.